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hey hey, nice game! Its like a mix of super meat boy and celeste, with minimal graphics. Theres a few things that were annoying me, like when you fall without jumping first, you cannot jump. I also think the timed mechanics clash with the speedrunning, as you are forced to stop because of them.

I did really like the room with a lot of spikes and the one with shifting platforms and the spikes in the middle, because you had multiple ways of solving the room and have the ability to see which is fastest and its like "oh neat!".

I think you should put more rooms like that in the game, or even maybe different game sections that can be accessed by taking different routes, or shortcuts, or something to reward player doing weird stuff to go faster. thatd be a pretty unique twist i think.

Overall nicely done (: liked the weird floaty bouncy squares

Thank you so much for writing out this awesome and lengthy review! I am planning to continue development of this game, so this is all super helpful to me as a developer! I'm glad you enjoyed the game and thank you for those wonderful insights! :D


all the pleasure is mine, send me your future builds!

Will do! Planning for a devlog series on my YouTube, too! :D


Awesome! 2 second improvement, haha


Great work! :D


Got a nice 2:05 but I'll keep trying to get something under 2 minutes. 😉

Really fun game, good job dev!

Oh wow, that's an awesome time! Thank you so much for playing the game and joining the Discord, too! :D


Nice! :D


Second attempt!

Ooooh very nice! :D


Fun game.  The choice of not allowing double jumps unless the first was used was really surprising, but good for the level design. 

Thank you heaps! Definitely have been receiving that feedback a lot, so I'll be sure to modify it in any upcoming updates! Thank you very much for the nice comment! :D



Awesome! Thank you for playing! :D


yes very cool game!! :)

Thank you! :D


3:18 on my first try! really nice well-handling platformer

Ooooh wow that's an awesome time! Thank you very much for playing and the nice comment you left! :D


Cool game! Review video below, really liked the mechanics and managed to finish it!

1:14:43 Minima 


Oh wow, this is so cool! Thank you heaps for playing it, dude! Appreciate it so much! :D


A W E S O M E !!!! lol im a little slow i got speed of 2:50. the movement is rly clean and smooth too! keep up the great work!

Thank you very much! Haha, that's really good! Thank you so much for the nice comments, my friend! :D



wanna check out mine? lol jk. again, very thorough game


🎖️ 2:29

Really awesome game, really well done!! 👍

Thank you very much, my friend! :D


The game was super fun to play, but Level 26 was really hard. I love how the movement feels so smooth, great job

Thanks so much! Yeah, have been getting that feedback lol xD Thank you so much, man! :D

(1 edit) (+1)

i got a 2:38 


Ooooh very nice! :D


new score 10 seconds off lol


new score 10 seconds off again

(2 edits) (+1)

i spend 5 hours trying to get this run please notice me :D


Nice game, your really proving that graphics aren't necessary for a fun experience. 

Thank you very much, Tauheed! :D


Really icoso, why did you rickroll us


because he didn't have any socials lol


oh ok


WOW, I really like this game, it's feel so good, nice work! :D

Thank you very much for the nice feedback! :D


Damn dude the game is absolutely great. Tbh really didn't expect this kind of straight theme interpretation to work so good. Very simple controls, very simple arts, very simple levels and you still replay it thousand times. But of course i couldn't just NOT make any record tho) this is my third run


alright doing better


Thank you so so much for the response to the project, Frogrammer! I'm glad you enjoyed it and thanks heaps for playing! :D


This is awesome.

My favorite so far out of all the jam games. pretty much perfect.

My only issue is that it would be nice to be able to do the double jump after falling, not just the first jump - lost a lot of time because I had to do two jumps and account for the first - of course, this could be intentional, in which case it's fine, but it makes it feel like it's a little buggy. 

Overall fantastic though. That room 26....

Thank you muchly! I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the game!

I debated whether or not to allow the player to double jump after falling without jumping, and decided against it, but I really wasn't sure. Thank you for picking up on it though, it's really helpful! :D

That dang room 26...

i literaly cant post my picture showing my time

i got 2:19 but nobody will belive me because i cant send the stupid screen shot!!!


the game was fun, it fit the theme, (you kinda make every game of yours in this style lol!) i enjoyed it! 


Thank you very much! I hope to expand the styles of my game soon, lol xD

(4 edits) (+1)

hey!  Sorry I can’t do screenshots on my computer but here’s a picture of it

I played again and got a better time.

Old time: 7:31!

Old time:4:37

old time:3:56

new time:3:05

edit if i beat my time ill put a new photo and the new time above this

EDIT: For convineince i wont post the photo unless its on the leaderboard


All good! Thank you for being a part of it! And well done, hehe! :D


Hey Icoso, 4:38 btw! 


ill take my #2 on the leaderboard... thank you very much


wait, I just beat you by 1 second, haha



(1 edit) (+1)

Oooh that gotta hurt xD


Very appealing gameplay! ^^

Thank you very much! I appreciate it! :D


Just waiting to review it in the jam!

Thanks heaps! :D


Loved the game! really the perfect amount of post processing! (my best was like 5 mins)

Thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed the game! :D


this is a lot like my game! (also what strength did you use for the bloom? Im wondering because mine seems to be wayyyyyy to high)

Haha, nice! Mine was at about 1.2 intensity with a scatter of 0.7! :D

Thanks so much!

No problem! :D

I'll kick off the leaderboards with my run! Who can beat me?


WHAT?????? HOW?????? the best i got was 5 mins


(1 edit)

Bumping up more score a little here! :D

(1 edit)

Deleted 3 years ago
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